I’ve been working on a new album for the past few months that I’ll be releasing under the band name “Journos” sometime this fall.
This recent tv performance debuts two songs that will be on the album: “What a Time to Be Alive” and “Something Worth Feeling Again.” It also features Mr. Ryan Abbott (the Phantom Limbs, the Dead Pens, and Rabbits Anonymous) who is not only a musician that I’ve wanted to work with for years, we also share the fact that we were both longtime journalists (journos). The timing was right to make an album that is sort of like a scathing and satirical editorial of the absolute madness that we’ve been living through in these past several years. Lyrically, it will pull absolutely no punches. Sonically, it is the closest I’ve ever come to write “thinking music perfectly masked as drinking music.” I am excited to release it.
At some point during the pandemic, I realized that I was sitting on a ridiculous amount of songs that have been written since the “Pennsyltucky” album in 2018, and it’s time to start putting them out into the world. The “Journos” album will be the first of these releases and its comprised of “story” songs and songs that are very socially conscious and sit somewhere between the hopeful activism of Pete Seeger and the satircal sonic narratives of Elvis Costello when he was with the Attractions.