For the third straight year, Bryan Russo will be hosting and performing at the Mayor’s New Years Day Concert at the Ocean City Performing Arts Center in Ocean City, Maryland.Continue readingBR Live at the Ocean City Performing Arts Center on NY Day!
Listen to BR’s new record “Burden of Proof”
“Burden of Proof”, the fourth independent release by critically acclaimed songwriter and multi-award winning journalist Bryan Russo, is now available online! Click here to preview and to purchase! InContinue readingListen to BR’s new record “Burden of Proof”
My new album, “Burden of Proof” is going to be released Sept. 19th online and we will be celebrating it’s release at the Dickens Parlour Theatre on 9/30 AND 10/1.Continue readingNEW ALBUM RELEASE SHOWS!!!!
Touch of Italy Piano Residency
Starting tonite, I’ll be playing each Tuesday night at 9pm on the baby grand piano at Touch of Italy in Ocean City, MD with Jim Miller on Trumpet. It’sContinue readingTouch of Italy Piano Residency
New Album Finished…..Coming Soon!
Here’s a peek….. clenbuterol
If you have been wondering why you haven’t been seeing me playing a ton of shows like normal, I woke up one day and realized that I had about fiveContinue readingWINTER RECORDING SESSIONS UNDERWAY